Favorite Things: March 2022

Hello friends, happy Spring! In the past, Spring has not been a favorite season of mine, especially since it is the beginning of the sweltering heat here in the desert. I’ve cranked up the A/C, I’ve retired the many layers of blankets on my bed, and I’m reluctantly preparing for another super-hot several many  months. March was a pretty good month though, and I will cherish the somewhat nice weather before it goes completely bonkers. Here is a collection of the bits-and-bobs that brought me some joy last month!

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I read ten books in March. Quite a few duds, *cough* Devil House *cough* Blood & Honey , but also some new favorites too!

Moon of the Crusted Snow by Waubgeshig Rice:This post-apocalyptic thriller was a bit of a stressful read, as most post-apocalyptic stories are, but I loved it. It tells the story an Anishinaabe reservation in Northern Ontario as they cope with the state of their world when all the electricity on the planet goes out. The narrative focuses on the resiliency of the characters, the pressures of outsiders that never seem to cease to influence the lives of First Nations people, and so much more. It didn’t include as much detail as I would have liked, and skipped through time a bit, but it was a solid read.

Lean Your Loneliness Slowly Against Mine by Klara Hveberg , Alison McCullough (Translation): This is one of those books that I can’t really explain. I suppose that any book I read with lyrical prose that deals with the subject of loneliness and isolation will probably end up on my list of favorite reads of the year every single time. This book is all about love (or giving into what seems like love because of loneliness), infidelity, shame, and the impact of chronic illness, all told in an interesting format- with fractals. I won’t explain too much, but the layering of history, fiction, and the life of the author was fascinating.

There are so many quotes I wrote down, but here are just a few that I loved.

Tell me what you read, and I’ll tell you who you are, she thinks.”

“Because if there’s one more person in the world she can have feelings for, then it would be easier to believe that there might be others too.”

“I seem to interpret everything as love.” 

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I watched the entirety of Bridgerton in one day and what a ride that was. I wrote a post about it, which is coming soon, but it was fun and I will probably end up skip-watching my favorite parts again soon. 

Love Ft. Marriage & Divorce is my and my mom’s favorite K-drama. The third season is currently being released on Netflix and even though some of our favorite actors were replaced with new ones, thus breaking my and my mother’s hearts, it’s still so good. Every episode is super dramatic, slightly to extremely ridiculous, and reminds me of Spanish-language novellas with their wild storylines. Currently looking for more scandalous K-dramas to watch asap.

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Another beautiful Vegas sunset…sometimes this city can be alright.

I’ve been enjoying the relative calm of my life lately. I realized that things are pretty simple for me right now, which is something I am immensely grateful for given the state of the world. I’m just going to revel in it for now as it will for sure not be like this forever.

I also recently got invited last-minute to see BTS in concert since I am the person my friends know as always being up for any and every concert. My friend will be coming to my city to see them and so I am tagging along as a tour guide and concert buddy…even though I’ve never really listened to BTS at all. I understand the gravity of this situation (especially since getting tickets to BTS is like winning the lottery) and so my homework for the next week will be to: 1) Memorize as many songs as possible. 2) Memorize the fan chants…or at least some. 3) Pick my bias. I am super excited to experience a BTS concert as I’ve never been to a K-pop concert ever before. Wish me luck!

That’s all from me for now! What was your favorite read of March? What are you currently reading? Thoughts on BTS?

Hope you have a lovely month!